Kinderarmut in Deutschland: Verein Lichtblick Wangen stellt sich vor


Am 12. April 2024 wird in der SonnTalk-Sendung ein Verein aus Wangen vorgestellt, der sich um Kinderarmut kümmert. Trotz des Reichtums in Deutschland sind etwa 21 Prozent der Menschen von Armut bedroht. Armut hat viele Gesichter, wie die Unfähigkeit, Miete zu zahlen oder auf Urlaub zu verzichten. Der Staat und ehrenamtliche Vereine kümmern sich um arme Menschen. Armut ist ein komplexes soziales Phänomen, das durch verschiedene Faktoren wie Arbeitslosigkeit, Bildungsmangel oder Diskriminierung verursacht werden kann. Kindern trifft Armut besonders hart. In Wangen gibt es den Verein „Lichtblick hilft Familien“, der im Fokus der SonnTalk-Sendung stehen wird.

Armutsbetroffene Kinder | Organisation Lichtblick Wangen | Region AllgäuKompass

Friday, April 12, 2024

Poverty has many faces: Not being able to pay the rent. Giving up vacations because the salary is not enough. Counting every cent and simply not being able to afford the co-payment for dental prostheses. Despite its wealth, Germany has a relatively high poverty rate. Approximately 21 percent of people in Germany are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. The state takes care of these people with many measures, more or less. In many cases, it is voluntary associations that take care of poor people. Next Sunday, Norbert Kolz will introduce a Wangen-based association in his SunTalk program that focuses on child poverty.


Causes are diverse and can be caused by various factors

Poverty is a complex social phenomenon that encompasses various dimensions and is defined as a state in which people have insufficient financial resources to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, and education. The causes are diverse and can be caused by various factors, including unemployment, low education, inadequate access to health care, discrimination based on gender or social class, as well as political and economic instability. Children in particular are affected by poverty and suffer from this condition. For years, Wangen has had the „Lichtblick hilft Familien“ association. This association will be the focus of the SunTalk program next Sunday from 10 am to 12 pm. The chairpersons Anne Martin and Alexandra Jacobi will be guests.



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