Positive Bilanz: Polizeieinsatz in der Freinacht im Allgäu 2024


Die Freinacht im Allgäu verlief für die Polizei vergleichsweise ruhig. Es gab insgesamt 90 Einsätze, im Vorjahr waren es 150. Es gab 15 Ruhestörungen und sechs Sachbeschädigungen mit einem geschätzten Sachschaden von 1.250 Euro. Es wurden nur zwei Fälle von Körperverletzung gemeldet, im Vorjahr waren es sieben. Es gab keine Übergriffe gegen Polizeibeamte. Die Polizei zog ein positives Fazit und bedankte sich bei allen, die sich an die Regeln gehalten haben. Die Einsatzzahlen sowie die Schäden und körperlichen Übergriffe sind im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gesunken.

Die Polizei ist zufrieden mit dem Verlauf der Freinacht im Allgäu | Erfolgreiche Bilanz nach ruhiger Nacht in der Region

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The officers of the Police Headquarters Swabia South/West can look back on a relatively calm „Freinacht“ that passed without major incidents. This is reflected in the police report, which draws a positive conclusion.

Compared to the previous year, when 150 incidents related to „Freinacht“ were recorded, officers this year had only about two-thirds of that number, around 90 incidents, between 7:00 pm and 7:00 am. The incidents were mostly of low severity.

For example, there were 15 reports of disturbances of the peace. Six cases of property damage were reported during the night, which is a decrease from the previous year (eleven cases). The estimated property damage amounts to about 1,250 euros, compared to around 5,000 euros in the previous year. It should be noted, however, that the full extent of the damage is likely to be known in the coming days.

Overall, only two reports of assault offenses were filed, compared to seven in the previous year. Thankfully, there were no assaults against police officers this year, as was the case in the previous year.

The police report is therefore positive. The number of incidents decreased compared to the previous year, as did the severity of the damages and the number of physical assaults. The officers thank everyone who adhered to the law and respected the boundaries of tradition during „Freinacht.“

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